sabato 25 aprile 2009


Today we went to the Louvre.

There was a hole in the curtain of one of the rooms and you could see the entrance.
our "lunch" at the Louvre
We only saw the second floor, any way it was really tiring.Because I like Marie Antoinette I bought a mug and a magnet of her.
After Louvre we went to Gallery's Lafayette.

We went to a bar in Lafayette. From the window you could also see the tour Eiffel.

At night my legs hurt a lot!!


Hoy fuimos al Louvre. Solo vimos el Segundo piso,igualmente era enorme! Fue muy cansador.

Como me gusta Maria Antonietta me compre una taza de ella y un iman.

Despues del Louvre fuimos a la galeria Lafayette, ahi me compre una remera verde. Ahi tambien fuimos a un bar. Se podia ver la torre Eiffel desde la ventana.

A la noche mis piernas dolian un monton!

I dont know why but blogger isnt working really well thats why my posts looks kinda messy.

Perdon,no se porque pero blogger no esta funcionando muy bien. Por eso mi post se ve un poco desprolijo

giovedì 16 aprile 2009

5 april 2009

We arrived to Paris at 10:00am , we took a train, a subway and then walked to get to our hotel. The hotel name is “Turenne Marais”. It’s a small typical French building.

my bed

view from the window

After leaving our luggage at the hotel we went to explore the neighbourhood. At lunch we ate crêpes in the street :
Me: champignon, chicken and mozzarella
Isabel: mozzarella, champignon and gruller
Marta: Tomato , gruller and mozzarella
After eating lunch we continued walking. We saw Notre Dame and wanted to enter but there was too many people, so we continued.

I was happy when I found a Haagen-Dazs bar because I love their ice-cream. Of course I bought one.

Then Isabel and Marta went to a bar near the Pompidou called: “Paris Beauborg”. Outside the Pompidou were different artists we looked at them a while and after that we entered the Pompidou: I loved it.

Torre Eiffel From Pompidou Window

We returned to the hotel and had dinner in a restaurant.

Llegamos a Paris a las 10:00 am, tomamos un tren,un subte y despues caminamos para llegar al hotel. El nombre del hotel es: “Turenne Marais”. Es un tipico departamento frances,pequeño. Despues de dejar nuestro equipaje en el hotel salimos a explorar el barrio. De almuerzo comimos crêps :
Yo: champignon, pollo y mozzarella
Isabel: mozzarella, champignon y gruller
Marta: Tomate , gruller y mozzarella
Despues de comer seguimos caminando y terminamos en Notre Dame. Pero la cola era tan grande que no entramos. Me puse feliz al encontrar Haagen-Dazs ya que me gusta mucho esos helados. Asi que merende eso. Marta y Isabel despues entraron a un bar cerca del Pompidou llamado: “Paris Beauborg”.
Nos quedamos un rato afuera mirando distintos artistas que pintaban por ahi. Despues entramos al Pompidou y me gusto muchisimo.
Regresamos al hotel y cenamos en un restaurante.

martedì 14 aprile 2009

4 Abril 2009

The trip started today. We traveled in Air France. The flight was 13 hours long. I saw: Yes, Sir : I liked it. Strangely I also liked the food, I normally hate it.

Marta and me

El viaje empezo hoy . Viajamos en Air France. El viaje duro 13 horas. Vi una pelicula llamada: Si Señor . Me gusto mucho. Extrañamente tambien me gusto la comida, normalmente la odio.

domenica 12 aprile 2009

Hello,my name is Micaela. Please call me Mica. Recently I went to Paris and I kept a journal of all the things I did. I think it’s a nice idea to make a blog with all the things I did, saw, ate…

Hola mi nombre es Micaela. Porfavor llamame Mica. Recientemente fui a Paris y mantuve un diario de todo lo que hice. Me parece que es una buena idea tener un blog de todas las cosas que hice, vi, comi etc…

pictures from