sabato 25 aprile 2009


Today we went to the Louvre.

There was a hole in the curtain of one of the rooms and you could see the entrance.
our "lunch" at the Louvre
We only saw the second floor, any way it was really tiring.Because I like Marie Antoinette I bought a mug and a magnet of her.
After Louvre we went to Gallery's Lafayette.

We went to a bar in Lafayette. From the window you could also see the tour Eiffel.

At night my legs hurt a lot!!


Hoy fuimos al Louvre. Solo vimos el Segundo piso,igualmente era enorme! Fue muy cansador.

Como me gusta Maria Antonietta me compre una taza de ella y un iman.

Despues del Louvre fuimos a la galeria Lafayette, ahi me compre una remera verde. Ahi tambien fuimos a un bar. Se podia ver la torre Eiffel desde la ventana.

A la noche mis piernas dolian un monton!

I dont know why but blogger isnt working really well thats why my posts looks kinda messy.

Perdon,no se porque pero blogger no esta funcionando muy bien. Por eso mi post se ve un poco desprolijo

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